Sunday, October 9, 2005

Still October...

Have another sip of coffee and I'll share a secret with you my words bring no meaning no answers no lies or truth they may help pass the time no tears will be shed or will they my words perhaps may bring a smile to your face and if so good for you man I have advice to give I'm sure it's called common sense so I'll say... pay attention and let that be all for now

I saw you conversing in the cold I passed by wearing my sweater and you with nothing to keep you warm except for the thought that someone might be listening... is anyone listening and after passing I think there was nothing I could do but I know that's a lie every now and then I see this boy with no ears and holes in his shoes I wish I could help him a hug and a smile but maybe it's something for him to me it's not enough

To explain it well I can't but I can't just be in church every week and feel like hey now I'm a good person it has to be something to me or else it is a pointless waste of time I have been a Christian my whole life and still I feel a bit wrong saying it I mean after so long and this is where I am and to look at others after only months or so I don't know what hole I need to fill or actions I need to take but something for me is missing something my parents can't force me to have they say it's drama but it's my life maybe it's what I make it maybe it's how it happens I can only wish hope and pray and deal with what I'm dealt
I do hope that you will one day see as I do whether it's right or wrong just to understand another point of view that alone will do you good.

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