Tuesday, August 16, 2005


How to describe the tree standing alone in the distance beyond the yard past the fence past the branches and the leaves a tree is glowing by sunlight trying to reach the sky the bluest of blues still in all these words you could never see what I've seen though you think you do

Always afraid of what's next can't grab onto what I've left behind so little so late so few

I want to jump I want to scream into a crowd of waving hands still that could never satisfy I want to roll around getting lost in the chaos but that feeling couldn't last forever jump off a bridge into the noise but eventually that falling stops and here I am pointless doing it all again but I think I would I'd close my eyes lying in air with nothing to catch me not to sleep not to feel just to be in that I'd smile

All I 'll never say whys it so bad

Down trails forbidden secret crushes hidden the bouncing of a ball leaning against the wall in chances that we take lying naked in the lake a sip of the city to say something witty afraid to grab the rope not afraid to smoke looking at the sky up once house high a ticket in front of all few moments left to stall

Eventually here

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