Saturday, October 1, 2005


Can't I just let in what's wrong and hope for the best in something I expect nothing from or rely on what's right and wait for all the mistakes I can admit that something I am sorry for the way I feel in that I sometimes get what I want I don't always know what I want I can't just go with something I'm unsure of it's ofter easier not to think all you know and don't all I do isn't much I miss your smile your touch today was beautiful almost unreal or was it am I just a fool in a dream lost in fantasy dove in too deep never to return I want it right I want it back and to let go do you not see the sighs do you not reach out when I call do you not answer in all my confusion did you ever stop to think of my thoughts and feelings and realize there's nothing wrong with your own

Nothing can explain the desires of my heart into words you would understand or even I you fill so many spaces you cover many memories you hold me in a place that is safe I'm afraid to stay always been afraid wanting to feel anything if it was what I made it reality is what I fear the most it's what hurts scares tares would you fight for me would you think and not hold back would you open your many closed doors can I be trusted there must be more than this more that I can give or try never ending pieces found and scattered broken and mended and forgotten

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