Thursday, September 1, 2005


A hand that sings looks that love a tire to hold me down so gibbled and gabbled only to make me frown

what I've seen what I haven't seen do I choose not to know do we all this is the world I live in nothing I can do to change that and wouldn't want to try in trying alone I would fail to try would be against what I believe and what I understand I'm sick of the American dream but at the end of the day it's all I live for

I couldn't be the one to reach out to be the one to know and now in its end I live and you're not even a memory just a number just a tragedy I wake up each day and in that alone it means so much for everyday you have not lived all that I am handed more that anything taken from you

I imagine smiling faces
children playing and singing songs
happily married couples resting for the night
grandparents sharing stories
aunts and uncles bearing gifts
I imagine entire lives shattered
unconceivable pain felt
terrible amounts of blood shed
hate I'll never know fear as well

Always tomorrow never comes

when we live and we have lived do we know and do we honestly believe that in this one life so much matters

The rain came pouring down and cries were heard all around we bit our lips and clenched our fists and still we stand

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